August 26, 2018
Board Members Present: Sarah Allen, Ilen Zazueta-Hall, Isa Herico
Guests Present: None
This meeting of the Bridge Foundry Board of Directors was held on Sunday, August 26, 2018, 9:38 a.m., having quorum with everyone participating by online video-conference with live audio and screen sharing.
The board reviewed and accepted the October 8, 2017 minutes.
The board discussed the following topics:
- The company’s General Signatory And Banking Authority Policy. Though adopted on October 8, 2017, the board wanted to confirm what that the minimum amount of a particular transaction is that needs officer approval. Currently it is $5,000.
- Expanding the board by creating a governance committee. The creation of the governance committee is pending the appointment of its committee chair. MOTION to invite Asheesh Laroia to be a board member overseeing the governance committee was seconded and passed.
- The vacant COO and Board Treasurer positions upon the respective departures of Diana Luepke and Karen Herreid. MOTION to not fill these vacancies was seconded and passed.
- Diana’s final report. The board will present to the governance committee (when created) for review.
- Partner program draft and resolved to seek feedback from the Program Board and Advisors before finalizing.
- The company’s strategic plan and has identified that the hypothesis needs more research.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
/s Isa Herico
Recording Secretary