November 20, 2022

Board Members Present: Desi McAdam, Melissa Xie, Kinsey Durham Grace, Sarah Allen

Guests present: None

This meeting of the Bridge Foundry Board of Directors was held on Sunday, November 20, 07:30 p.m. GMT/1:30 p.m. PT, having a quorum with everyone participating through an online video conference with live audio and screen-sharing.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board members unanimously approved the following resolutions:

RESOLVED: Moving forward, in January of each year: Bridge Foundry will adjust the budgets of any Bridges and Chapters such that a portion of their unused funds will be reallocated to support the work of smaller chapters and Bridges, as well as the broader work of Bridge Foundry.

10% of the balance of each Bridge or Chapter will be transferred to the Bridge Foundry General Fund. However, any Bridge or Chapter leader who has specific plans for the use of those funds may request their budget be reserved for that use.

RESOLVED: In order to support the wider work of Bridge Foundry, and in acknowledgement of the prior intention for annual apportioning of budgets that was discussed in 2019, RailsBridge and GoBridge will shift their budgets into the Bridge Foundry General Fund such that the remaining budgets for each of these bridges will be $7,000.00.

RESOLVED: With regard to hiring, we will update the background check policy to include anyone who will have access to sensitive information.

These minutes were shared via Google docs and unanimously approved by the board.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. ET / 1:45 p.m. PT.

Respectfully submitted,

Kinsey Durham Grace

Recording Secretary