Grant Decision Guidelines
Seed Fund Grants are typically approved automatically when there are funds. If needed, the CEO will make decisions between multiple applications that exceed the budget at her discretion, using the following guidelines.
Possible criteria if low on funds:
- Where a small amount of funding is going to make a big impact.
- Preference for Bridge workshops where there is no fully formed Bridge organization (for example, preference MobileBridge right now, since they don’t have their own board and central fund over RailsBridge which has more “meta” volunteers)
- Preference to workshops that outreach to new target group or geography
- People who plan to do follow-up
- First time ask
Follow-up phone call to gather information and build relationship with organizer:
- Is this the first workshop in your region or a new type of outreach? Is your workshop expanding the scope of the Bridge Foundry? (If yes, describe)
- What do you plan to spend the money on? (We are looking for cost effectiveness & impact)
- Will receiving the funds change whether you can hold the workshop? What is the minimum amount that will make it possible? Brainstorm creative ways to make it happen.
- Have you, or will you, make efforts to raise funds yourself? Please describe them.
- If you are applying for a grant, we will reach out to you to help with fundraising.
- What is your expected impact from these funds?
- What follow up activities do you have planned after the workshop?
- What workshops (if any) have you held in the past?